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  • My power adapter doesn’t appear to fit the power socket?
    Our specially designed AC power adapter has a collapsible earth pin to enable the smallest outline and letterbox friendly packaging, helping optimise shipping and reduce our carbon footprint. Simply slide the earth pin upwards on the adapter until it locks into position, then plug it into your power socket.
  • Can I just use the battery to power my device?
    The battery is intended as a backup power source for prepayment accounts needing to activate emergency credit, re-enable supply or to enter a code for topping up credit. The device can be used on battery power alone, enabling you to move the display around your home. This helps to identify energy-hungry appliances and see the impact on your energy usage and costs. This lets you identify where changing your habits (eg full loads/less frequent washes for washing machines) or switching to a more energy-efficient appliance when replacing could help.
  • How do I switch my device off?
    The displays are intended to be left powered on so that they receive data from your metering system as it shares the data (Electricity ~every 10 secs / Gas ~ every 30 mins) and keep you informed of near “real-time” energy usage. To fully power down the unit you will need to turn off the AC power adapter at the socket and unplug, remove the USB power adapter, remove the rear cover and remove the backup battery. If you want to power down the display during the day/night then you can remove the backup battery and use the AC power adapter only, allowing you to turn it off at the wall socket. Note: if you do this and are a prepay customer, you should keep the battery in a handy place so you can insert the battery when power has been disconnected and you need to manually enter a UTRN to enable your electricity supply.
  • Can I put my device into a low power/standby mode?
    Use the settings menu to change the Screen Brightness, Standby, Timers and Usage Light to reduce the amount of power the unit is using. Setting the “standby clock” to “off “, adjusting the “Show Standby” value (ie 10 secs) and “Return Home” value (ie 10 secs), will return the display to the home screen after the selected time (ie 10 secs) from other screens. The unit will then go into a standby mode with the display screen turning off a further 10 secs later utilising very low power mode. The display screen will re-appear when any button is pressed, taking it out of standby.
  • How do I restart my device?
    Press and hold the OK button. In the pop-up window select <Restart> and confirm. Your SmartView will soft reset and then re-connect to your Smart Meters/Comms Hub.
  • Should I keep my SmartView device plugged into the mains at all times or will this overcharge and damage the battery?
    The displays are intended to be left powered on using your AC Power adapter so that they receive from your metering system as it shares the data (Electricity ~every 10 secs / Gas ~ every 30 mins) and keep you informed of near “real-time” energy usage. When powered by the AC power adapter battery power is not used, although the SmartView will charge the battery to its maximum charge. The more you use and recharge the SmartView on battery power the sooner the battery will need replacing.
  • How do I remove the power adapter cable?
    1: Turn off the AC power adapter at the socket and unplug. 2: Turn the SmartView upside down so that you can see the USB connector housing in the foot of the device. 3: Grip the strain relief and pull the connector away in line with the foot so that the connector is kept straight.
  • Can I still use the display if I unplug the power adapter cable?
    The SmartView will continue to operate if you remove the AC power adapter cable as long as the backup battery is inserted and charged. The battery is intended as a backup power source for those with prepayment accounts needing to activate emergency credit, re-enable their supply or to enter a code for topping up their credit. Using the SmartView on battery power allows you to temporarily move around your home with it, helping identify energy-hungry appliances and see the impact on your energy usage and costs. This helps recognise where changing your habits (eg full loads/less frequent washes for washing machines) or switching to a more energy-efficient appliance when replacing could help.
  • After a period of time, a clock appears on my screen. What is this for?
    The Energy Standby Clock will appear on your device after a period of inactivity if the Energy Clock has been enabled in the settings (default is “on”). You can select the inactivity time duration from off to 10 minutes in 10-second steps. The Energy Standby Clock informs the user at a glance how much energy they have used at different times throughout each day using the red, amber, green indicators for Low, Medium and High usage during those times relative to the budget you have set. If you are a dual fuel customer this clock will give an overview of your Gas & Electricity usage combined. In the middle of the clock, it will show you how much you have spent on your Gas & Electricity so far that day.
  • My eyesight isn’t great, is there a setting that makes the screen clearer to see?
    We have an inverted colour scheme that can be selected in place of our default colour scheme. The inverted colours use a dark grey instead of a white background, along with a different colour palette intended to make the text/information easier to view. To change the screen colours, please follow these steps from the home page: 1: Press [OK] to take you to the menus 2: Select [Settings] and confirm [OK] 3: Select [Display Theme] and confirm [OK] 4: Select [Colours] and confirm [OK] 5: Select your preference from [Red] or [Inverted] and confirm [OK].
  • Can I change my homepage usage theme?
    The SmartView supports several display layouts for the homepage, using Arc as the default layout, to display the energy usage information. To change the display layout, please follow these steps from the home page: 1: Press [OK] to take you to the menus 2: Select [Settings] and confirm [OK] 3: Select [Display Theme] and confirm [OK] 4: Select [Home Page] and confirm [OK] 5: Select your preference from [Arc], [Bar} or [Dot] and confirm [OK].
  • Why does my SmartView device keeps returning to the home screen while I am using it?
    There is a selectable device setting that will return the display to the Home Page after a period of inactivity on the display. Once the selected time has been reached since the last button press, the device will return to the homepage. Returning to the Homepage can be turned off or can be set up to 3 minutes in 10-second steps. To change the return to homepage timing, please follow these steps from the home page: 1: Press [OK] to take you to the menus 2: Select [Settings] and confirm [OK] 3: Select [Standby & Timers] and confirm [OK] 4: Select [Return Home] and confirm [OK] 5: Select timing before return] and confirm [OK].
  • How do I change the brightness of the screen?
    The screen brightness can be adjusted through the settings menu. This allows the screen brightness to be set for when powered by the AC power adapter or the battery individually. To adjust the screen brightness setting, please follow these steps from the home page: 1: Press [OK] to take you to the menus 2: Select [Settings] and confirm [OK] 3: Select [Screen Brightness] and confirm [OK] 4: Select your power source from [On mains] or [Battery] and confirm [OK]. 5: Select the brightness setting and confirm [OK]
  • Why does my SmartView keep beeping?
    You will receive audible alerts on your SmartView device when an event is approaching, alongside any pop-up notification that appears on-screen. An event could mean: o You have an upcoming energy price change, o Your credit remaining is running low, o You are about to enter emergency credit, o You are approaching your budget on that specific day, or o You have a poor signal to/from the CommsHub/SmartMeters. To reduce or silence each alert noise, please follow these steps from the home page: 1: Press [OK] to take you to menus 2: Select [Settings] and confirm [OK] 3: Select [Pop-Ups & Volume] and confirm [OK] 4: Select Alert you wish to change settings for and confirm [OK] 5: Select your preference from [High], [Medium], [Low], [Silent] or [Off] and confirm [OK]*. *For [Credit Alerts] you can only select [High], [Medium], [Low], or [Silent] as these relate to Prepayment Accounts and some notifications are considered critical alerts. If you select Off or Silent, please remember to engage with your device regularly, so that you are kept informed on all upcoming events.
  • What do the Red, Amber and Green ambient indicators mean on my SmartView device?
    The ambient indicator will be active if you have set a budget for electricity and the colour it displays is linked to the thresholds set based upon that set budget. The ambient indicator allows you to see at a glance whether you are using a lower or higher amount of electricity at that time. If your SmartView’s ambient indicator is Green then, at that specific moment, you are spending/consuming less than your set budget if it continued at this level all day. If your SmartView’s ambient indicator is Red then, at that specific moment, you are spending/consuming more than your desired budget if it continued at this level all day. If your SmartView’s ambient indicator is Amber then, at that specific moment, you are spending/consuming in the region +/-30% of your set budget if it continued at this level all day.
  • The ambient indicator on my SmartView device is blue, what does that mean?
    The ambient indicator will turn blue if there is a pop-up notification/alert that is waiting on the SmartView for you to acknowledge.
  • How do I set my budget on the SmartView device?
    You can set individual usage/spend budgets for Gas and Electricity on all IHDs from our SmartView range. The SmartView uses historic and current energy data to help enable you to select a realistic cost/usage amount based on how much energy you spend/consume daily. To set your budget, please follow these steps from the home page: 1: Press [OK] to take you to the menus 2: Select [Electricity] or [Gas] relating to the meter for which you wish to set a Budget and confirm [OK] 3: Select [My Account] and confirm [OK] 4: Select [Daily Budget] and confirm [OK] 5: Select the Budget Source to [Supplier], [Custom], [Save 5%], [Save 10%], [Save 15%] or [Daily Budget] and confirm [OK]. Supplier --- Uses supplier set values if these have been set. If no Supplier values are set then the Budget will be set to off. Custom --- User can set their consumption in kWh used per day and will be presented with average daily consumption as a guide. Save 5% --- Budget set 5% lower than average daily consumption* in kWh Save10% --- Budget set 10% lower than average daily consumption in kWh Save 15% --- Budget set 15% lower than average daily consumption in kWh Daily Budget – User can set their budget in £:p *The average daily consumption is calculated by using all historic non-zero weekly and daily consumption divided by the total number of days these represent. Once you have selected a budget, your SmartView device will display a Red, Amber or Green ambient indicator aligned to the thresholds defined as part of your set Budget.
  • What do the different icons mean?
    Exporting to the grid: If you have Solar and are generating more electricity than you are using, then the amount being given back to the grid will be displayed on the Home Page as a negative value. The cost will be shown as 0p. Budget: The budget icon is used to indicate where your budget has been set relative to what you have used within the graphical information throughout the screens. Price Increase: When there is a price change as part of your tariff plan, a pop-up notification will appear letting you know the new price and the date/time it will start. The Price Increase icon will be displayed in the pop-up notification when the new price is higher than the previous one. The pop-up will remain until it is dismissed. Price Decrease: When there is a price change as part of your tariff plan, a pop-up notification will appear letting you know the new price and the date/time it will start. The Price Decrease icon will be displayed in the pop-up notification when the new price is lower than the previous one. The pop-up will remain until it is dismissed.
  • What do the different prepay customer Icons mean?
    Low Credit: If your credit falls below the Low Credit Threshold that you set through your energy supplier online account or their default value, a pop-up notification will appear letting you know you are running low on credit and will also give you the option to enter a top-up code. The low credit icon will remain on screen until your credit has been restored above this threshold or has been superseded by the Emergency Credit or Supply Off icons. Emergency Credit: If Emergency Credit has been activated, the Emergency Credit icon will remain on screen until your credit has been restored to a level above this threshold so that Emergency Credit is no longer in use or has been superseded by the Supply Off icon. No Credit Remaining: When you have run out of credit, a pop-up notification will appear letting you know the level of credit top-up required to restore your supply. It will also give you the option to enter a top-up code or activate Emergency Credit (if available). The No Credit Remaining icon will remain on screen until sufficient credit has been added or has been superseded by the Supply Off icon. Supply Off : When the supply status of your meter changes to §1“off”, a pop-up notification will appear letting you know that your supply has been disabled at the meter. You will be given the option to enter a top-up code or to activate Emergency Credit (if available). Upon restoring your account into credit or activating Emergency Credit (if available), another pop-up notification will appear letting you know you can now reconnect your supply and, if it is for electricity, give you the option to “Enable Supply”. If it is for gas, for safety reasons that needs to be enabled at the meter as per the guidance/support of your energy supplier. Friendly Credit Period: When Friendly Credit becomes active, you will receive a notification letting you know what date to top-up by before the friendly credit period expires. You will be presented with options to enter a top-up code or activate Emergency Credit (if available). When the pop-up is dismissed, the Friendly Credit icon will remain. * Friendly credit periods vary between different energy suppliers. Friendly Credit Hours could be similar to: > From 4pm to 11am on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday > From 4pm on a Friday through to 11am on a Monday (incl. Bank Holidays)
  • How can I view how much my bill is to date?
    To view your current bill to date, please follow these steps from the Homepage: 1: Press [OK] to take you to the menus 2: Select [Electricity] or [Gas] relating to the meter you wish to view and confirm [OK] 3: Select [My Account] and confirm [OK] 4: Select [Meter Balance] and confirm [OK]
  • Why are the price figures on my IHD different to the ones on my bill?
    For credit customers, the costs shown on your display do not include VAT or any discounts that may be included in your bills. Please note, due to Gas conversion factors the data shared with your display may not be 100% accurate but will be correct on any bills.
  • How do I get emergency credit on my smart meter?
    To be able to activate Emergency Credit your credit level needs to have fallen below the threshold set by your energy retailer. To activate Emergency Credit please follow these steps from the Homepage: 1: Press [OK] to take you to the menus 2: Select [Electricity] or [Gas] relating to the meter for which you wish to activate the emergency credit and confirm [OK] 3: Select [My Account] and confirm [OK] 4: Select [My Credit] and confirm [OK] 5: Select [Activate] in the Emergency Credit window showing the Emergency Credit allowance and confirm [OK]. Note [Activate] will only be available if your Credit has fallen below the Emergency Credit threshold If Emergency Credit is activated, the Emergency Credit icon will remain on screen until your credit has been restored to a level above this threshold so that Emergency Credit is no longer in use or has been superseded by the Supply Off icon as all credit available has been used.
  • How do I top up Gas/Electricity on my SmartView?
    To enter a top-up code (UTRN) please follow these steps from the Homepage: 1: Press [OK] to take you to the menus 2: Select [Electricity] or [Gas] relating to the meter for which you have a top-up code and confirm [OK] 3: Select [My Account] and confirm [OK] 4: Select [My Top Ups] and confirm [OK] 5: Select [Top Up Now] and confirm [OK] 6: Enter In your 20-digit Top-up code (UTRN) using [UP]/[DOWN]/[OK]. If you make a mistake use [Back Arrow] to take you back to the number that needs changing. 7: Once your 20-digit Top-up code (UTRN) is entered, you will get the option to confirm [OK] and the top-up request will be sent. A pop-up notification will then state whether the top-up has been successful or not and, if not, the reason. Please be aware that when topping up Gas it may take up to 30 minutes for the request to be processed
  • How can I view how much credit I have remaining?
    Your credit remaining is available at the bottom of each fuel section on the home page. Additionally, you can see your Credit Remaining and additional credit information such as recommended top-up value, Emergency Credit, Cut-off value on the [My Credit] page. To access the [My Credit] page please follow these steps from the Homepage: 1: Press [OK] to take you to the menus 2: Select [Electricity] or [Gas] relating to the meter for which you wish to view your credit remaining and confirm [OK] 3: Select [My Account] and confirm [OK] 4: Select [My Credit] and confirm [OK]
  • How can I view my Debts and the recovery rate at which this is paid back to my Energy Supplier?
    To view your debts and recovery rates, please follow these steps from the Homepage: 1: Press [OK] to take you to the menus 2: Select [Electricity] or [Gas] relating to the meter for which you wish to view your credit remaining and confirm [OK] 3: Select [My Account] and confirm [OK] 4: Select [My Debts] and confirm [OK] Here you will see your Total Debts at the bottom of the screen. There are up to 3 Debt types that can make up the total, but these will only show these if they are active. Two of the debts are time-based recovery rates and show the recovery amount and frequency (e.g. £2.50 per week) and the other is a percentage recovery rate (e.g. 2% of each top-up made). Selecting any of these 3 debts using [UP]/DOWN] will show what is outstanding for that debt and the relevant recovery rate. Where made available, using [OK], a breakdown of payments made against that debt are shared.
  • Why does my IHD not display my top-up history?
    Your IHD may have a section that details your last 5 top-ups if supported and made available to the display by the Smart Meters. If you’ve placed a successful top-up but it is not displayed on your IHD don’t worry. It should appear once this data is made available to the display and you can still see the history on your meter.
  • Why am I able to see my electricity data but no gas data?
    The SmartView is only able/allowed to display the data shared to it by the Smart Metering Home Area Network and that data is routed through the Comms Hub/Electricity Meter. Gas data comes from a mirror on the Comms Hub as the Gas Meter only communicates with the Comms Hub. If you are not seeing Gas data, power cycle the IHD when you are close to your Comms Hub/Electricity Meter by using the restart function or by removing/replacing the USB power and backup battery. If the gas screen does not appear after the power cycle on the SmartView, contact your energy provider for them to investigate why the gas data is not being shared with the display.
  • Why am I not able to see my electricity and gas data when I place the display where I want it to be?
    The SmartView is only able to display the data shared to it by the Smart Metering Home Area Network and that data would be routed through the Comms Hub/Electricity Meter. Gas data comes from the Comms Hub to the display, as the Gas Meter only communicates with the Comms Hub. If you are not seeing any electricity or gas data, please power cycle the display when you are close to your Comms Hub/Electricity Meter by using the restart function or removing/replacing the USB power and backup battery. If after power cycling the SmartView both the Electricity and Gas screens are displayed, move away from the meters and place the display in your preferred location. If you lose signal again, try moving the display to an alternate location closer to the meter until the Electricity and Gas screens are updated again and then try different placements in your home to find a suitable location. It is difficult to pinpoint exact range, as ZigBee signals are very dependent upon the construction of the building or what is in the path between the display and the Comms Hub/Electricity Meter.
  • My Battery is not charging
    If the device powers up using the AC Power Adapter, please check there is a battery inserted, or that the battery inserted is the battery that was supplied with the unit. If the unit has been running under battery power alone, it may have become fully discharged. If after plugging in the USB power adapter and connecting to the mains the device does not power up, please ensure that the USB is fully pushed into place. You may find a little more force is required than normal as there is an ingress protection seal as part of the USB housing. After ensuring that the USB is fully inserted, the display will either power up or remain unpowered. If the display powers up, you may not immediately see the battery charging icon as the battery was fully discharged. If the display remains unpowered try the following steps: 1: Power off the AC Power Adapter at the wall socket then remove the USB adapter cable. 2: Remove the battery cover by removing the adapter cable and sliding the cover down. 3: Plug the USB of the AC power adapter into the SmartView without the rear cover fitted, ensuring the battery does not fall out. Power on the AC Power Adapter at the wall socket. 4: When it powers on, please wait a while to see if the battery charging icon appears (this may not be immediate if the battery had been fully discharged). 5: Once you can see that the battery is charging, power off the AC Power Adapter at the wall socket and remove the USB adapter cable. Fit the battery cover and re-insert the USB making sure that it has been pushed fully into place. 6: Power on the AC Power Adapter at the wall socket.
  • My power adapter is not working
    Power off the AC Power Adapter at the wall socket, remove the AC Power Adapter from the wall socket and then remove the USB adapter cable. Next, remove the battery cover by sliding the cover down and remove the battery. The battery is hooked into retaining features at the top. Remove it by lifting the battery from the bottom. Now try plugging the USB of the AC power adapter into the SmartView without the rear cover fitted. Plug the AC power adapter into a wall socket and power it on. If it powers on, power off the AC Power Adapter at the wall socket, remove the AC Power Adapter and remove the USB adapter cable. Refit the battery and the battery cover. Plug in the USB of AC power adapter into the SmartView ensuring it is fully inserted. Plug the AC power adapter into a wall socket and power it on.
  • My SmartView has switched off and won’t turn on. What should I do?
    If you have been using your SmartView on battery only, the battery likely needs charging. Plug the USB of the AC power adapter into the SmartView without the rear cover fitted. Plug the AC power adapter into a wall socket and power it on. If it is still not working, power off the AC Power Adapter at the wall socket, remove the AC Power Adapter from the wall socket and then remove the USB adapter cable. Next, remove the adapter cable and slide the battery cover down. Then, remove the battery. The battery is hooked into retaining features at the top. Remove it by lifting the battery from the bottom. Now try plugging the USB of the AC power adapter into the SmartView without the rear cover fitted. Plug the AC power adapter into a wall socket and power it on. When it powers on, power off the AC Power Adapter at the wall socket, remove the AC Power Adapter and remove the USB adapter cable. Refit the battery and the battery cover. Plug the USB of the AC power adapter into the SmartView ensuring it has been inserted fully. Plug the AC power adapter into a wall socket and power it on.
  • What happens with my IHD if I move home?
    Your in-home display is provided for each specific property by the smart meter installer. The device should be left in the property together with the smart adapter, battery and Quick Start Guide (if provided), as this device is paired to the meters in that home. If you take the display with you, it will not join the meters in your new home. If your new property does not have an in-home display but has Smart Meters, please contact your energy supplier.
  • What happens with my data if I move home?
    When you move home your energy supplier sets up the date/time for a Change of Tenancy event to occur. From this time, data relating to the energy usage of the persons leaving this address is blocked and only the new tenant’s data is then shared with the display. As the SmartView does not store any customer data, the new tenants will not be able to see any of the previous tenant’s data. If you have any concerns about your data, please contact your energy supplier.
  • What if I change my energy supplier?
    Data received by your in-home display should continue as usual, as this comes from the smart meter(s). There may be a short changeover period as the new supplier configuration is shared with the Smart Meters/Comms Hub. During this time data may not have fully populated and may appear as if there are some gaps, but this should remedy itself within approximately 7-10 days.
  • We are on Economy 7/Economy10, how do we get a breakdown of usage/cost for Peak & Non-Peak periods?
    The metering system shares information with your display as an aggregated/total value so it is not possible to determine what you are using and when on the different tariff rates. To view your tariff/rates please follow these steps from the Homepage: 1: Press [OK] to take you to menus 2: Select [Electricity] or [Gas] relating to the meter for which you wish to view your Tariff/Rates and confirm [OK] 3: Select [My Account] and confirm [OK] 4: Select [Prices] and confirm [OK]

Frequently Asked Questions

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